The Tacoma chapter of the American Guild of Organists

set of organ pipes
Detail of pedal tower from Fritts Organs opus 37 at University of Notre Dame

About Our Chapter

The Tacoma AGO Chapter is made up of organists and those interested in organs or organ music.  We get together regularly for programs, recitals, and social events.  Most of the events listed in the calendar are open to the public.  Many of our members teach organ or piano lessons–their ads are listed on this site.  We would be interested in providing speakers for interested groups.

If you are an organist or organ lover and new to the area, or if you have been here for a while but haven’t gotten around to introducing yourself, send us a message using the contact form, or visit us at one of our programs.

How to Join

If you are interested in joining the AGO, please visit the national site and designate the Tacoma chapter on the membership page.

Navigate our Site

Use the Upcoming Events widget to the right to see events scheduled over the next few months. To search for events, or to see all future events, use the Calendar link in the menu bar above (or in a collapsed menu on a small screen or mobile device). You may also use the Upcoming Programs link to see the topics for upcoming meetings. New content is listed in the Recent Posts widget on the left (or below on a small screen or mobile device).

Current AGO Members

Log in to see additional content, such as the Membership Directory, and to be able to add new content, such as calendar entries.  There are also discussion forums, occasional polls, classified ads, and some events that require reservations. If you have forgotten your password, use the Lost Password link, and enter the email address on file with the national AGO site.

New AGO Members

Have you recently joined the Tacoma AGO?  Welcome!  Please follow these instructions to get started.

Keep in Touch

rssThis site provides a web feed with regular updates on new content.  Subscribe to our RSS feed with url .  Subscription can be done from any RSS client.  There is also a calendar events feed using the .ics format.  Because it occasionally includes private information such as members’ home addresses, subscription to the calendar feed is only available to members.