
Opening Picnic

Opening Picnic

5:00 pm-7:00 pm
Join us as we celebrate the beginning of a new program year for a picnic at the home of David Dahl and Loi Le. Bring [...]
Siglo de Oro Vocal Ensemble – Renaissance Reflections

Siglo de Oro Vocal Ensemble – Renaissance Reflections

7:30 pm-9:30 pm
London's celebrated vocal ensemble Siglo de Oro brings a program of Renaissance and modern sacred music for their debut Seattle performance in the splendid acoustics of St. [...]
Third Friday Concert, Jieun Yun, organist

Third Friday Concert, Jieun Yun, organist

12:10 pm-1:00 pm
Join us for this month's Third Friday concert with Jieun Yun, organist. Music of Lübeck, Clérambault, Widor, and Bach (Passacaglia). Donations gratefully accepted.
Manz Organ Dedication

Manz Organ Dedication

Dr. Paul Tegels plays the dedication of the newly installed "Ruth and Paul Manz Organ" at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament in the University District of Seattle. Description of the organ can be found here: Wine and light hors d'oeuvres reception to follow the program.
Richard D. Moe Concert Series - Justin J. Murphy-Mancini

Richard D. Moe Concert Series - Justin J. Murphy-Mancini

3:00 pm-4:30 pm
The 2024-25 Richard D. Moe Concert Series at Pacific Lutheran University commences with a performance by Justin J. Murphy-Mancini. The program will tour the North [...]
Choral Evensong & Organ Recital

Choral Evensong & Organ Recital

The choirs of St. Luke's Memorial and Christ Church, Tacoma, with organist Susanna Valleau will sing Choral Evensong for the Feast of St. Michael & [...]
October Board Meeting

October Board Meeting

10:00 am-11:00 am
Full of Grace

Full of Grace

7:30 pm-9:00 pm
The Cantorei of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament perform nine settings of the "Ave Maria" along with Franz Liszt's setting of "Pater Noster" from "Christus" to create a sung decade of the rosary performed by candlight in this historic church. Wine and hors d'oeuvres reception to follow.  This program is free and without suggested donation. Details at:
AGO Lunch

AGO Lunch

12:00 pm-1:30 pm
Join AGO chapter members and friends for a no-host lunch at 208 Garfield in Parkland by PLU. If you are planning to attend, let Wyatt [...]
Before Bach

Before Bach

Dr. Benjamin Stone performs works by precursors to Bach on the "Ruth and Paul Manz" organ. Wine and hors' d'ouevres reception to follow. Details at:
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