Welcome back!
I’d like to extend a big thank you to those who submitted program ideas; those who filled out the interest survey; and especially to my hardworking fellow board members. You’ve all helped shape this year’s programs, and we have a wonderful variety of educational, musical, and social events planned.
In order for you to take the greatest advantage of the year, I’d ask that you do two things:
- Take out your calendar(s) right now and pencil in events which interest you! The provisional schedule is already published on our website. More information will be added to each event as it gets closer.
- Think about folks you could invite to join you (friends, colleagues, students, parishioners?). The chapter meetings are designed for members, but it’s fun to have guests, and it’s important to spread awareness of the guild’s existence and purpose. What better way than by sharing our love of music, learning, and snacks?
Speaking of eating, hope to see you at the picnic!
Sheila Bristow, SubDean and Program Chair