September Program Notes from the Dean

Dear chapter members,

I am so delighted that we are restarting our chapter programming this fall, albeit in an online format. I do so hope that you will be able to join in Monday’s program with Dr. Wyatt Smith. Please note that it’s a two-parter:

Two links will be provided in an announcement on Monday.
1) Use the first link to get to the prerecorded lecture/demo on YouTube.
2) Use the second link to attend a live Q & A on Zoom afterward.

The links will also be active in our web page calendar on Monday.

If you are a novice Zoomer, here are a few tips:

•Use the link provided—you will need the meeting id # and the password.
•There are different ways to view the other folks participating—look in the upper right hand corner of your screen for “gallery view”, which shows everyone involved, or “speaker view”, which enlarges the view of whoever’s speaking.
•For large meetings, it’s best if everyone mutes themselves to keep down background sound. Click on the little microphone icon, usually lower left hand corner.
•If you want to speak/ask a question—and we hope you will!—either unmute yourself to talk, or use the chat function to write in. The chat is in the middle of the function bar at the bottom of your screen, and looks like a cartoon thought bubble.

Hope to see you online Monday!

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