Thank you to those who were able to attend Organ Vespers and the talk on the history of the pipe organs at St. Luke’s Memorial. An evening of thrilling congregational singing paired with the educational aspect proved to be an invigorating adventure for all in attendance, engaging with an important part of Tacoma’s history! If you were not able to join us, I look forward to seeing you at future Chapter gatherings.
Now that days are beginning to have more light, the musical and educational activities in our region likewise reawaken. This month and next month hold a myriad of performances and gatherings, which include the following:
At 2:00pm on Sunday, February 9, prior to the organ recital in Lagerquist Hall, Barbara Baird and Justin Murphy-Mancini will give a demonstration of the Fritts organ for young organists and curious pianists. For more information, especially if you know a young organist or pianist, click here.
At 12:00pm on Friday, February 14, we will gather for the next AGO Lunch at Cactus in Proctor. Please RSVP to Wyatt Smith if you plan to attend.
At 7:00pm on Monday, February 17, we will hold our monthly Chapter meeting at the UPS School of Music. Tom Clark will lead a workshop on playing from a tablet and organizing a digital library. For more details and directions to the classroom, click here.
Looking ahead to March, we will gather on Friday, March 21 (Bach’s Birthday) for an extended time together to watch and discuss Fugue State Film’s documentary “Bach and Expression.” Click here for more information.
In addition to these events above, there are many more events taking place around the region. Calendar highlights include concerts at PLU, Christ Church, UPS, and St. Luke’s Memorial. Be sure to check the Tacoma AGO Calendar for the latest details! I hope to see you at many of these events.
As always, thank you for being a member of the Tacoma chapter of the AGO!
In music,
Wyatt Smith