The New Ortloff Organ at St. Dunstan’s in Shoreline


7:00 pm-8:00 pm


Event Type

The Seattle chapter has invited us to their October meeting.

We will be treated to a live presentation from Jonathan Ortloff on the new Ortloff Op. 2, 18 rank organ at St. Dunstan’s in Shoreline, WA. Jonathan Ortloff is a rising organ builder based in Massachusetts and will be at the Shoreline church completing tonal finishes during the next two weeks. In addition to discussing the organ itself and hearing highlights of its capabilities from our own Susanna Valleau, St. Dunstan’s Music Director, Jonathan will also walk us through what he considers to be an excellent model of the search, design and bid process – which Susanna and St. Dunstan’s accomplished in spades. Live Q&A will follow the presentation.

For a preview of the organ see the organbuilder’s site:
Opus 2 – St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church

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