It appears to me that the world is more interested in baseball players than organists because if you search Google for “David Dahl” you’re going to get the baseball player of the same name. That seems unfair because our David Dahl has had claim on that name for longer, and should get first billing, but he doesn’t. However, if you put in the web address you will find a familiar face greeting you and ready to share a lot of information–and without a baseball hat.
With the help of several Tacoma AGO members and friends, David has spent several months recalling stories, finding pictures, and assembling lists and copies of publications and recordings. None of the lists is complete yet, and we will continue to add to them as David finds more resources. Nevertheless it is ready to be unveiled.
Many of the recordings and publications are copyrighted and cannot be provided on the website, but most of them have links to publishers where they can be purchased. However, David holds the copyright on quite a few recitals and anthems and he has chosen to make his audio recordings available for anybody to stream. David is also granting a license to churches and non-profit choirs to duplicate and perform any of the choral and organ music that is not commercially copyrighted.
If you have time for only one recital right now, I suggest that you start with the dedication of the Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ at PLU. You will be amazed!