Join the Chancel Choir and Choristers of St. Luke’s Memorial Church, Tacoma for an evening of music and readings anticipating the birth of the Savior. This seasonal service, a favorite of many across the country, allows all present to live into the growing anticipation of Christmas. Readings will alternate with choral anthems and familiar congregational hymns. A reception will follow in the Bell Parish Hall.
Hymns (1982): Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth (Puer nobis), 54, WLP 724, 57
Anthem: This is the Truth Sent from Above by James Kirkby
Anthem: Comfort ye, my people by Mark Schweizer
Anthem: Arise with Joy by Mark Schweizer
Anthem: The Angel Gabriel by Richard Shephard
Voluntary: Three settings of Wachet auf by Aaron David Miller
Voluntary: Epilogue on Freu dich sehr by Brenda Portman