Experience Evensong, the sung Anglican office of Evening Prayer which combines elements of the Latin offices of Vespers and Compline, a liturgy more than 400 years old, structured by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, (1489-1556). As one of the Church of England’s unique contributions to Western civilization, this liturgy has inspired music from countless fine composers through the ages. Though Evensong is a choral office originally intended to be sung by the choir, our practices have evolved. Now all assembled participate actively in musical expression of faith. Add your voice to our Great Choir and hear the Christ Church Choir sing 17th-century choral prayers of William Smith of Durham, the 1889 Evening Canticles of C. Villiers Stanford, a 19th-century psalm setting of Joseph Barnby, and the 21st-century Meditations of My Heart by Elaine Hagenberg. Listen to stirring organ music of Herbert Howells, Klaas Bolt, and Felix Mendelssohn. Invite your friends to enjoy the liturgical riches of Christ Church with you!

Lenten Choral Evensong
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