Update on Fall Programs

Thank you for responding to the board’s survey. We’ve changed the start time for evening meetings to 7:00 p.m.  and are using the programming questions’ results to craft the year’s programs.

This month’s meeting is Monday, Sept. 17, at Christ Church and celebrates the 350th anniversary of François Couperin. Our very own David Dahl will lead the program, which will include the performance of movements from the Mass for the Convents by chapter members. The evening will conclude with a festive reception.   I do hope you will join us!

Looking ahead, please save Saturday, Oct. 13, for an organ crawl on Vashon Island. Joint member Carl Kishline will lead a morning tour of historic organs, to be concluded with lunch at one of the island’s picturesque restaurants.   On Monday, Nov. 12, I will present a program on psalm settings for the church year. Please look for more details in upcoming communications.

Best wishes to all of you who are beginning your own program year!

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